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Unified MOU Information - Glenn County

This page contains ERDS related information for Glenn County.

Contact Information


123 First Ave. City1, CA 12345-1234

Phone# 111-555-2346

Main Phone: (123) 123-1234

Contact List:

John Doe - (123) 123-1111

Jane Doe - (123) 123-2222

Moe Doe - (123) 123-3333

Submission Times

Counter: 8:00 AM PST - 3:00 PM PST

Electronic: 8:00 AM PST - 4:00 PM PST

Holiday Calendar

  • January 1, 2017 - New Years

MOU Specific Language

This area would contain a link to a page that has the county specific MOU language.

Operating Procedures

MOU Template

county/glenn_county/glenn_home.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/17 15:50 by administrator